Mar 27, 2018

Autumn issues with your Cat

Problems with Crickets, Cicadas and Parapara

A common query at this time of the year is ‘my cat’s been catching, and eating, a lot of crickets or cicadas’. Like a bag of potato chips one is never enough. It is important to monitor this behaviour so your cat doesn’t overindulge. While these are considered by some to be a good source of protein, too many may lead to vomiting or an upset tummy. Generally symptoms are mild but the hard outer shell cats crunch through, can lead to severe gastrointestinal irritation occasionally.

If vomiting happens repeatedly or your cat appears in pain please phone us.  

Occasionally we get some really gummed up cats that literally bring the bush with them. They may have been around a Parapara tree (Pisonia brunoniane) or commonly known as the ‘Bird Catcher tree’. This tree, in the spring and early summer, has seed heads that turn black and are coated in a glue-like substance that can remain for months. Curious bugs get caught and attract birds that either get stuck in the tree or get free but sticky, only to collect dirt/debris, and can no longer fly. These birds in turn attract our cats. Generally they just get this gluey substance with associated dirt, leaves and twigs, however sometimes the cats have been missing for a few days which might mean they had been caught in the tree too.

It can be a big job to clip and clean all this gluey substance off, but it is worth doing so the cats don’t lick and swallow it all.

Finally, contrary to popular belief, your cat doesn't lose hair just to annoy you or keep vacuum and lint brush companies in business. Hair loss follows the seasons, and now Autumn has arrived many cats are shedding and getting matted. Daily brushing will help most. However there are some cats that may need more attention. Sometimes clipping is required twice yearly. If you need help grooming don’t hesitate to phone.


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